The Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions (MICE) industry is considered the fastest growing tourism sector. MICE generates foreign exchange, increases trade and investments, provides employment, boosts local economies, and promotes destinations. The major key to its success is the strong collaboration with the travel, hospitality, and leisure sectors that provide products and services for the industry. Therefore, any disruption along its value chain may lead to significant losses for its stakeholders: organizers, participants, suppliers, sponsors, and host destinations.  Although the industry is resilient, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) may be the definitive crisis that will reset any previous gains from a formerly robust tourism industry. This paper begins with a discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on MICE. Then it seeks to present the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) as the alternative platform used during the pandemic. Finally, it will attempt to identify areas for further research to proactively prepare for the MICE post COVID-19.
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