
  • Gina Akmalia Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
  • Wella Wella Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
  • Suryasari Suryasari Universitas Multimedia Nusantara


Kata Kunci:

COBIT Framework 5.0, Stages Hunton, Information Technology, Information Systems Auditing


The role of information technology has become a very important part of the companies or institutions that enterprise scale. The company puts information technology as a matter that can support the company's strategic plan to achieve the target's vision, mission, and goals. For banking companies, in running the business can not be separated with the role of technology. The object of this research is the IT Division at PT. Bank X, the study uses framework COBIT 5.0. The method is uses stages of Hunton (2004), which consists of seven stages: planning, risk assessment, development of audit programs, gather evidence, form conclusions, prepare the audit opinion, and follow-up. The variables of this research is the process of manage changes and it reactions in the domain Build, Acquire, and Implement (BAI). BAI06 related to manage changes and BAI07 related to acceptance change and transition. Data collection was done by interviewing with the IT department and IT Internal Audit, distributed questionnaires to the Division of IT and IT Internal Audit, and observing documents. The interviews has done for four times and the total questionnaire prepared is 155 questions questionnaire include level one to five. Results of this research are the process BAI06 at level two (Managed) with an average score at level three at 83.46% while for BAI07 process at level three (Established) with an average score at level four at 59, 50%.


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