Pengembangan Sensor-Cloud pada Smart City untuk Menghadirkan Ketersediaan Data Waktu Nyata
Smart-City, Sensor-Cloud, Real Time, Integrated System, Sensor-FusionAbstract
A Smart-City development and operation highly depends on more than one group of real-time data sources. Such data integration might be achieved via Sensor- Fusion management. The main resources to this is a reliable virtual sensors cluster that adaptive to environment change such as data feeding disruption. A stability sensor network operation should be put forward as the system will rely on such condition. However, an integrated complex real-time system usually has also some kind of deviation factors as a result of unstable data streaming. In this work, we come up with the idea of Sensor-Cloud which provides real-time data streaming services with virtual environment in mind. A combination of Cloud Computing, Internet of Things and Data Acquisition is the core concept to the proposed approach. To support our proposed approach, a simplified demonstration shall be provided to show the capability of our method.
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