Pengembanban Sistem Informasi Aplikasi Kelola Nilai untuk Sekolah Medan Mulai Berbasis Web


  • Rudolf R Damanik Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • William Irtanto Universitas Pelita Harapan



Information Systems, application, manage grades, schools, education, web


Various fields of human life including education have implemented information technology to increase the efficiency of their activities and schools are also required to implement information technology so as not to be left behind. Medan Mulia School is a private school with the theme of a language school in the city of Medan. So far, the process of managing grades is still done manually so that it is prone to human error and takes a lot of time because the amount of data that needs to be processed is very large, covering approximately 2000 students. This study focuses on developing an information system for managing grades applications that will be used to streamline the process of managing student grades and analyzing the learning outcomes of school students. The system developed is web-based so that it will make it easier to access the value management and check the problematic values ​​before the value is determined to be included in the report card. The method used in developing this system is the Waterfall method.


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