
  • Egabetha Amirah Yudhaputri Trisakti University
  • Nyayu Fatimah Research Center for Society and Culture, Indonesian Institute of Science, Gatot Subroto


When organising an event, strategic planning is an important aspect. Without a planned and structured implementation strategy, the event will not run successfully. However, strategic planning must be supported by adequate manpower who carry out their duties to create and implement the event. Human resources (HR) are one of the keys to the successful implementation of events. HR in the events industry can be permanent workers, temporary workers or volunteers who are willing to spend their time supporting the event for no financial reward. The recruitment of volunteers is not always the same as the recruitment of permanent employees due to their motivation and personal characteristics. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the reasons why volunteers work at events and to relate these benefits to seven events that were held in Jakarta, Indonesia. The primary research for this paper was conducted using semi-structured personal interviews with volunteers who worked at the seven events. The findings from the research indicate that the main motivations for volunteering varied according to the type of event. However, some common motivations were discovered that related to all of the events: wanting to make the event successful; gaining networking opportunities; developing work related experience; non-material benefits; and for mega-events national pride and patriotism

Author Biography

Egabetha Amirah Yudhaputri, Trisakti University

Event Management Department


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