Kata Kunci:
Peace, United Nation Sustainable Development Goals 16, International LawAbstrak
The purpose of this research is to provides student an understanding about how to reach peace and justice to achieve sustainable development goals. The method used in this writing is library research by using various references sources both from research results and other author’s thoughts. strategy to achieve peace by international law theory is expected to help students in taking steps that needed to face social problems, especially strategy in achieving peace accordance in UN SDGs purpose, which will help to achieve national peace purpose and international peace. Students will have additional guidelines in solving various kinds of problems related to the realization of peace at all levels of life. The theory of international law and the United Nations as a body formed in an effort to maintain world peace by nations in the aftermath of the second world war, will be the study in this discussion, in line with the 16th Sustainable Development Goals, namely strengthening a peaceful inclusive society, in line with the goals The other 16 UN SDGs are providing access to justice for all, as well as building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
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