
  • Rolib Sitorus Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Shelley Budiman Universitas Pelita Harapan

Kata Kunci:

Development, sustainable, state institutions, government, budget, performance.


Strategic issues that have surfaced in the government's efforts to improve budget efficiency and effectiveness of the performance of state institutions are budget savings and carrying out the role of state institutions, especially non-structural state institutions which are currently considered to have no or little contribution towards national development.  In line with the implementation of development, referring to the 9 Priorities Agenda also known as Nawacita, which was rolled out by President Joko Widodo implemented in the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and has now entered the 2020-2024 period.  The preparation of the RPJMN is actually in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which is the agreement of 193 member countries of the United Nations established in 2015 aiming to improve the welfare of the global community including Indonesia.

The government's steps to improve efficiency and effectiveness through strengthening state institutions in this paper are carried out by collecting materials using normative juridical research methods.  Normative juridical research is a legal research method that is carried out by reviewing literature and secondary data which begins with an analysis of the articles in laws and regulations regarding sustainable development, government policies in efforts to improve the welfare of society, and also research by analyzing the materials presented  by online.

The result of the research expectation is to broaden the understanding of the nation, namely academics and to comprehend sustainable development through budget savings policies, efforts to increase the performance of the state institutions, downsizing state institutions' staffs when necessary, accelerate employability rate for potential workers, create job opportunities, equitable development throughout the archipelago, and many other policies.  So the objective of this research is to contribute towards an understanding of steps to strengthen state institutions as part of implementing sustainable development that is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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