
  • Winnie Stephanie Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Japansen Sinaga Universitas Pelita Harapan

Kata Kunci:

Inmate Release, Assimilation, Integration Rights, Covid-19, Repeat Crimes


The first problem in this study is what are the obstacles arising from the implementation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No.10 of 2020, by releasing prisoners and children through the conditions of providing assimilation and integration rights to prevent and overcome the spread of Covid-19?. The second problem in this study is how is the government's efforts to overcome obstacles arising from the implementation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No.10 of 2020, by releasing prisoners and children through the conditions of providing assimilation and integration rights to prevent and overcome the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia?. The purpose of this study is to determine the obstacles arising from the implementation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No.10 of 2020, as well as to find out the government's efforts to overcome obstacles arising from the implementation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No.10 of 2020.  The results of this study show that the obstacles arising from the implementation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 10 of 2020 are an increase in crimes in Indonesia, where these crimes are committed by prisoners who have been freed through assimilation and integration rights programs in the context of preventing and overcoming Covid-19 in Indonesia. The economic downturn has made it difficult for inmates to make ends meet and in obtaining jobs, so inmates who have been freed through assimilation programs choose to commit crimes to make ends meet. The government's efforts to overcome these obstacles are to supervise correctional centers in determining inmates who are entitled to assimilation and integration rights.


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