Kata Kunci:
Outsourcing System, Worker Service Provider Agreement, ResponsibilitiesAbstrak
This study aims to identify and describe the responsibilities of outsourced companies to outsourced workers in the event of a dispute resulting from the outsourced worker's actions that harm the employer. This research is a normative legal research. The type of data in this research is secondary data. Data collection techniques with literature studies and document studies of Worker Service Provider Agreements (PPJP) and Specific Time Work Agreements (PKWT). This study uses a statutory approach and a conceptual approach, the method of analysis is qualitative. The results of the study, if a dispute occurs in the PPJP due to the actions of the outsourced worker which harms the employer or other party, the outsourced company is responsible based on Article 1367 of the Civil Code, whereas in PKWT it is the outsourced worker who is responsible, not the outsourced company, thus actually the responsibility lies with the outsourced worker.
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