Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok has accepted the verdict of Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara, related cases of defamation of religion, on May 9, 2017, that has begun the case process from the first trial on December 13, 2016. The verdict of Ahok case is Putusan No. 1537/Pid.B/2016/PN JKT.UTR, which states that the accused, Ir. Basuki Tjahja Purnama or Ahok proven legally and convincingly that committing the flame of blasphemy and dropping imprisonment for 2 years. Pro and contra of the verdict of Ahok case delivered by the whole society of Indonesia.
The expert of explanation were given in hearning of Ahok case, related Al Maidah letter verse 51, referring to interpretation of grammatical-systematical-historical from Article 156 a point a and b and explanation of the law. Article 156a point a, gave the requirement that is not only deliberate but also intension. Intention is something deeper than deliberate. Deliberate acts can be judged by the actions that have been done with his consciousness, whereas intention is not easy to prove. Judging a statement said to tarnish religion requires a holistic, textual and contextual approach, from linguists, religious scholars, even gesture / physonomists who can read mimics, whether there is hatred or not when pronouncing. The conclusions in the expert's description are in dubio pro reo I.e. in doubt of the existing material truths, the judgment must be in favor of the defendant.
Keywords : Grammatical-Systematic-Historical Interpretation, Allegations of religious blasphemy, The Holistic-Textual-Contextual Approach.
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