
  • Japansen Sinaga Universitas Pelita Harapan Medan


Definition of criminal policy, can be divided into 3 (three) meanings, namely: in the narrow sense, is the overall principles and methods are the basis of the reaction to the legal form of a criminal offense: in a broad sense, is the overall functioning of law enforcement officials, including the workings of  the courts and the police; in the broadest sense, is the overall policy, which is done through legislation and official bodies, which aims to establish a central norms of society.

In the midst of national development efforts in various fields,  public aspiration  to eradicate corruption and other forms of irregularities increased, because in fact the act of corruption has caused huge losses to the state, which in turn may have an impact on the onset of the crisis in various fields. Overcoming this needs to be done non-penal policy is to undertake measures aimed at preventing corruption. Relating to the use of means of penal and non-penal, the use of a means of non-penal given a larger portion than the use of means of penal, means there is a need in the context of prevention of corruption, comprehension oriented to achieving the factors conducive to causing corruption (factor kriminogen).


Keywords : Law Enforcement Policy, Corruption, Non Penal


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