
  • Alum Simbolon Universitas Pelita Harapan Medan


Human rights are the fundamental rights of every person and the public (universal) because of this birthright that everyone have without distinction of religion, ethnicity, color, gender etc. Since the fundamental right of every person shall not be violated or even respected, human rights violations shall be any other act of human rights abuses protected by law which is feared to have an adverse effect on the offenders and human rights victims. Indonesia makes its own trials to try human rights abuses, who are tried in gross human rights courts are murder and harassment, robs or destroys other basic human rights. All religious teachings in Indonesia teach that all human beings are sister to one another so that the relationship between fellow was caught, prohibited from mutual enmity, mutual harm, mutual humiliation especially violates human rights of humanity.

In this manuscript that will be delivered is how the settlement of cases of human rights violations that occurred in Indonesia. The emergence of crimes of human rights violations then the process of investigation and arrest conducted by the Attorney General, accompanied by a warrant and the reason for the arrest, unless caught red-handed. This process has been carried out continuously in all cases of human rights violations. Then the detention for examination in the trial in the Human Rights Court can be done at the latest 90 days and can be extended by 30 days by the district court in accordance with the jurisdiction. Continuing Detention in High Court shall be a maximum of 60 days and may be extended to a maximum of 30 days. Proceed with Detention in the Supreme Court no later than 60 days and can be extended for a maximum of 30 days.


Keywords: Human Rights, Settlement, Crime, Weight, Court


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