UPH Medan Academic Journals is a service of the Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) in cooperation with Computer Science Faculty to support research and scholarship through open access journal publishing at the Universitas Pelita Harapan Medan. UPH Medan Academic Journals uses Open Journal Systems (OJS), an open-source solution for managing editorial processes and online publication.
The OJS system makes it possible to:
- Publish open access publications
- Track the peer-review process and other administrative functions
- Maximize exposure and visibility of publications by making full-text accessible to Google Scholar and other search services
- Tailor the appearance and identity of publications
OJS has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research.
If you would like additional information about UPH Academic Journals services, please contact us at lppm.medan@uph.edu.
Journal Information System Development (ISD)
Journal Title : Journal Information System Development Language : Indonesia and English e-ISSN : 2528-5114 p-ISSN : 2477-863X Frequency : 2 issues per year (January and July) DOI : dx.doi.org/10.19166/isd Editor-in-chief : Andree E. Widjaja, Ph.D Email : ji.uphmedan@uph.edu Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan Citation Analysis : Google Scholar Indexing : Google Scholar, OneSearch, Garuda, Road Journal Information System Development hadir sebagai wadah bagi para Akademisi, Developer, Peneliti, dan Ilmuwan yang hendak menyumbangkan karya ilmiahnya bagi dunia ilmu pengetahuan di bidang Sistem Informasi. Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Prodi Sistem Informasi Universitas Pelita Harapan ini menerima publikasi hasil pengembangan atau penelitian terbaru di bidang Sistem Informasi. Topik-topik meliputi pengembangan software desktop, web, mobile, database system, artificial intelligence, data warehouse, data mining, UI/UX programming, IT infrastructure, Internet of Things, Game Development, Cyber Security, dan topik-topik lainnya. Setiap tahunnya, Journal Information System Development terbit dalam dua (2) periode yaitu pada Bulan Januari dan Juli.
Journal of Accounting and Management Innovation
Journal of Accounting and Management Innovation is a publication managed by the Business School with Research and Community Services Center of Universitas Pelita Harapan Medan. This publication is a means to diseminate and develop expertise in the area of management, accounting, hospitality whether it is theroretically or applied sciences. Lecturers, researchers, and practitioners are encouraged to publish their studies in this publication.
Journal of Accounting and Management Innovation adalah publikasi yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Ekonomi dan LPPM di Universitas Pelita Harapan Medan. Jurnal ilmiah ini adalah sarana bagi para dosen, peneliti, dan praktisi bidang bisnis (akuntansi dan manajemen) untuk mengembangkan, memberikan masukan dan mendiseminasikan berbagai kajian baik teori maupun aplikatif.
ISSN 2548-5709 (Print) | ISSN 2548-4990 (Online)
Law Pro Justitia
Law Pro Justitia adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Medan, didirikan tahun 2015 dan terbit pertama sekali bulan Desember 2015. Jurnal Law Pro Justitia terbit dua kali setahun yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember, dan tulisan yang akan dimuat adalah bidang Ilmu Hukum. Penggunaan nama Law Pro Justitia dibuat untuk menyesuaikan dan menjalankan visi dan misi UPH sebagai global practice campus. Law Pro Justitia secara etimologi dari Bahasa Inggris, Law artinya Hukum, Pro artinya memihak / membela, Justitia (justice) artinya keadilan. Law Pro Justitia merupakan hukum yang memihak pada keadilan, karena hukum yang adil yang harus dilaksanakan dan hal ini dituliskan dalam Jurnal Law Pro Justitia.  ÂÂ
ISSN 2477-8176 (Print) | ISSN 2548-5989 (Online)
Asia Pacific International Events Management Journal
Launched in 2019, Asia Pacific International Events Management Journal is a scientific, international ejournal that gives authors the opportunity to publish their academic papers and industry reports in an academic online journal that is focused on the Asia Pacific events industry. Papers and industry reports are welcomed on issues and themes that relate to the following sectors of the events industry: Arts and cultural events; Corporate and business events; Entertainment events, music, performances and shows; Family events, funerals, parties and weddings; Meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions; Political events, inauguration ceremonies, military events and protests; Religious celebrations, ceremonies and events; and, Sports events, regionally, nationally and internationally.
ISSN 2597-9574 (Online)
Journal of Informatics Engineering Research and Technology
Jurnal Informatics Engineering Research and Technology (IERT) hadir sebagai wadah bagi para developer, peneliti, dan ilmuwan yang hendak menyumbangkan karya ilmiahnya bagi dunia ilmu pengetahuan di bidang Teknik Informatika.
Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Prodi Teknik Informatika Universitas Pelita Harapan ini menerima publikasi hasil pengembangan atau penelitian terbaru di bidang Teknik Informatika. Topik-topik meliputi pengembangan software desktop, web, mobile, database system, artificial intelligence, data warehouse, data mining, UI/UX programming, IT infrastructure, Internet of Things, Game Development, Cyber Security, dan topik-topik lainnya.
Setiap tahunnya, Jurnal IERT terbit dalam dua (2) periode yaitu pada Bulan Agustus dan Februari