Law Pro Justitia
<p><em><strong>Law Pro Justitia</strong></em> adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Medan, didirikan tahun 2015 dan terbit pertama sekali bulan Desember 2015. Jurnal Law Pro Justitia terbit dua kali setahun yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember, dan tulisan yang akan dimuat adalah bidang Ilmu Hukum. Penggunaan nama Law Pro Justitia dibuat untuk menyesuaikan dan menjalankan visi dan misi UPH sebagai global practice campus. Law Pro Justitia secara etimologi dari Bahasa Inggris, Law artinya Hukum, Pro artinya memihak / membela, Justitia (justice) artinya keadilan. Law Pro Justitia merupakan hukum yang memihak pada keadilan, karena hukum yang adil yang harus dilaksanakan dan hal ini dituliskan dalam Jurnal Law Pro Justitia.   </p><p><strong>ISSN 2477-8176 (Print) | ISSN 2548-5989 (Online)</strong></p>Universitas Pelita Harapan Medanid-IDLaw Pro Justitia2477-8176PENGENAAN SANKSI HUKUM TERHADAP PELAKU PROSTITUSI ONLINE BERDASARKAN UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 11 TAHUN 2008 TENTANG INFORMASI DAN TRANSAKSI ELEKTRONIK
<p><span class="s16">Pengenaan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">sanksi</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">hukum</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">bagi</span><span class="s16"> para </span><span class="s16">pelaku</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">berdasarkan</span><span class="s16"> </span><a name="_Hlk18117402"></a><span class="s16">Undang-Undang</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">Nomor</span><span class="s16"> 11 </span><span class="s16">Tahun</span><span class="s16"> 2008 </span><span class="s16">tentang</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">Informasi</span><span class="s16"> dan </span><span class="s16">Transaksi</span><span class="s16">Elektronik</span><span class="s16"> yang </span><span class="s16">terkait</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">prostitusi</span><span class="s16"> online </span><span class="s16">belum</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">tegas</span><span class="s16"> dan </span><span class="s16">belum</span><span class="s16">dapat</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">berlaku</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">efektif</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">untuk</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">menjerat</span><span class="s16"> para </span><span class="s16">pihak</span><span class="s16"> yang </span><span class="s16">terlibat</span><span class="s16">prostitusi</span><span class="s16"> online. </span><span class="s16">Dikarenakan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">dalam</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">prostitusi</span><span class="s16"> online </span><span class="s16">hanya</span><span class="s16">dapat</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">dikenakan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">Undang-Undang</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">Informasi</span><span class="s16"> dan </span><span class="s16">Transaksi</span><span class="s16">Elektronik</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">bagi</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">pekerja</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">seks</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">komersial</span><span class="s16"> (PSK). </span><span class="s16">Ketentuan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">dalam</span><span class="s16">Undang-Undang</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">Informasi</span><span class="s16"> dan </span><span class="s16">Transaksi</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">Elektronik</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">hanya</span><span class="s16">memuat</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">mengenai</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">perbuatan-perbuatan</span><span class="s16"> yang </span><span class="s16">berkaitan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">dengan</span><span class="s16">elektronik</span><span class="s16">, </span><span class="s16">seperti</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">misalnya</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">menyebarluaskan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">informasi</span><span class="s16">elektronik</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">mengenai</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">kesusilaan</span><span class="s16"> yang </span><span class="s16">dikirimkan</span><span class="s16"> oleh </span><span class="s16">pekerja</span><span class="s16">seks</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">komersial</span><span class="s16"> (PSK</span><span class="s16">), </span><span class="s16">menyebarkan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">berita</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">bohong</span><span class="s16">, </span><span class="s16">pemerasan</span><span class="s16">atau</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">pengancaman</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">secara</span><span class="s16"> online, </span><span class="s16">menyebarkan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">kebencian</span><span class="s16">, dan </span><span class="s16">sebagainya</span><span class="s16">. </span><span class="s16">Pencegahan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">atau</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">penanggulangan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">untuk</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">mengatasi</span><span class="s16">prostitusi</span><span class="s16"> online </span><span class="s16">dengan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">Undang-Undang</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">Nomor</span><span class="s16"> 11 </span><span class="s16">Tahun</span><span class="s16"> 2008 </span><span class="s16">belum</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">sempurna</span><span class="s16">. Hal </span><span class="s16">tersebut</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">terjadi</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">dikarenakan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">tidak</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">adanya</span><span class="s16">aturan</span><span class="s16"> yang </span><span class="s16">mengatur</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">tentang</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">pemidanaan</span><span class="s16"> para </span><span class="s16">pihak</span><span class="s16"> yang </span><span class="s16">terlibat</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">dalam</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">kasus</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">prostitusi</span><span class="s16"> online. </span><span class="s16">Selama</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">ini</span><span class="s16">, </span><span class="s16">hukum</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">pidana</span><span class="s16">di Indonesia </span><span class="s16">hanya</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">memiliki</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">ketentuan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">mengenai</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">tindak</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">pidana</span><span class="s16">yang </span><span class="s16">dilakukan</span><span class="s16"> oleh </span><span class="s16">mucikari</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">saja</span><span class="s16">. </span><span class="s16">Sedangkan</span><span class="s16">, </span><span class="s16">pihak</span><span class="s16"> lain yang </span><span class="s16">terlibat</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">tidak</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">ditindaklanjuti</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">secara</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">tegas</span><span class="s16">. Jika </span><span class="s16">tidak</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">ada</span><span class="s16">peraturan</span><span class="s16"> yang </span><span class="s16">tegas</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">untuk</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">mengatur</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">kasus</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">prostitusi</span><span class="s16"> online, </span><span class="s16">maka</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">pengguna</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">jasa</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">prostitusi</span><span class="s16"> online </span><span class="s16">tidak</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">akan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">merasa</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">jera</span><span class="s16"> dan </span><span class="s16">bebas</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">memakai</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">jasa</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">prostitusi</span><span class="s16"> online </span><span class="s16">untuk</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">kepuasan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">mereka</span><span class="s16">. </span><span class="s16">Pertanggungjawaban</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">pidana</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">dalam</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">hal</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">ini</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">sangatlah</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">diperlukan</span><span class="s16">maka</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">dibutuhkan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">pembaharuan</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">hukum</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">pidana</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">untuk</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">mencegah</span><span class="s16">dan </span><span class="s16">mengatasi</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">masalah</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">prostitusi</span><span class="s16"> online yang </span><span class="s16">ada</span><span class="s16"> pada </span><span class="s16">saat</span><span class="s16"> </span><span class="s16">ini</span><span class="s16">.</span></p>Vanessa OctaviaCrestella ValeryVelencia Winata
Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Law Pro Justitia
<p><em>BPJS Employment is a new era in the national social security system for Indonesian workers. This study aims to determine the benefits of JKK and the employer's responsibility for fulfilling JKK benefits for workers who experience work accidents. </em><em>This research is normative legal research. The data used are applicable laws and regulations and legal theory as well as expert opinions sourced from literature studies. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively with a statutory approach. </em><em>The results of the study show that the benefits of JKK for workers who experience work accidents or work-related illnesses include health services, compensation for temporary incapacity to work, compensation for disability or death, and rehabilitation and scholarship assistance to participants' children who are still in school if the participant dies or has permanent total disability. The employer's responsibilities are: for workers participating in JKK BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to pay dues, obliged to pay JKK benefit shortfalls if reports of wages are not in accordance with the truth, continue to pay wages if workers are unable to work, prohibited from layoffs, required to report work accidents to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and to employment agencies, and are required to take care of claims for JKK benefits to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. For workers who are not yet participants of Employment BPJS, employers are required to fulfill all JKK benefits the same as BPJS Employment participants, responsibility for violations is subject to administrative sanctions and there is an opportunity for criminal processing by labor inspectors.</em></p>Tiur Lely Suriani HutagaolAndy Sihombing
Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Law Pro Justitia
<p><em>The Industrial Relations Court was established to adjudicate industrial relations disputes, for this purpose an ad-hoc judge was appointed proposed by the Trade Union/Labor Union and an ad-hoc judge proposed by the Indonesian Employers' Association. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that can influence ad-hoc judges at the Courts of Industrial Relations (PHI) not being able to act independently and impartially in carrying out their duties and authorities.</em></p> <p><em>The research method used is normative-empirical. This study uses primary data, namely the results of interviews with union officials, the Indonesian Employers' Association and ad-hoc judges at the Industrial Relations Court. Secondary data is in the form of related laws and regulations, expert opinion, research results and legal theory. This study uses a conceptual approach (conceptual approach).</em></p> <p><em>The results of the study, there are several factors that can influence the independent and impartial attitudes of ad-hoc judges at the Courts of Industrial Relations (PHI), namely internal and external factors. The internal factors contained in the ad-hoc judge are: the moral attachment of the ad-hoc judge to the proposing organization, where there is Article 67 paragraph (1) of the PPHI Law which regulates the proposing organization can request an ad-hoc judge to be dismissed from his duties and position. Another factor is the different perspectives of ad-hoc judges when deciding in deliberations of the panel of judges, external factors, namely things outside the ad-hoc judge's self in the form of: the general public considers ad-hoc judges to represent their proponents and placement of ad-hoc judges in the area of ​​origin of the proposer and the confusion of the status and position of ad-hoc judges at the Courts of Industrial Relations (PHI) as part of the judges at the Supreme Court institution.</em></p>Helen Levana ThedjakusumaChristina NM Tobing
Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Law Pro Justitia
<p><em>The Indonesian state experiences land conflicts because the main Agrarian Law adheres to a Nomorn purely negative publicity system. One of the land conflicts in Indonesia that has major impacts is the land dispute in Dago Elos due to eigendom verponding. This case has many irregularities in Decision Nomor. 570 / PDT / 2017 / PT BDG so the authors conducted a study of the case. The research in this case uses Nomorrmative juridical research with a legislative approach and a case approach. The position of Eigendom Verponding as an old right is weaker compared to the position of land rights which is a new right and the consideration of the Panel of Judges in this case has been wrongly applying Judex Facti so that decision is Nomort in accordance with regulations applicable laws so that the need for the establishment of land justice institutions in Indonesia capable of handling land conflicts.</em></p>Sryani GintingWilson Lidjon
Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Law Pro Justitia
2021-01-022021-01-02615472RATIFIKASI DAN PENGESAHAN DALAM PERJANJIAN INTERNASIONAL (Studi Kasus: Hasil Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam perkara pengujian UU No 24 Tahun 2000 tentang Perjanjian Internasional)
<p><em>Article 11 of the 1945 Constitution authorizes the President to make an International Agreement. The making and ratification of an international agreement involves various state institutions and government institutions and their instruments. In Law No. 24 of 2000 concerning International Treaties governs the process of making and ratifying international treaties. The result of the constitutional court ruling on Law Number 24 of 2000 concerning International Treaties (hereinafter referred to as Law 24/2000) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (hereinafter referred to as the 1945 Constitution) in Case Number 13 / PUUXVI / 2018 provides interpretation of the meaning of the authorization, as well as providing an explanation regarding article 11 (1) and (2) of the 1945 Constitution related to Law 24/2000 in four articles and one article explanation argued by the plaintiff.</em><em></em></p><p><em>Explanation of article 1 of Law 24/2000 states that Authentication is a legal act to bind itself to an International Agreement in the form of ratification, accession, acceptance and approval. This paper will provide a description of the Authentication and Ratification of international treaties along with the interpretation and use of authentication and ratification based on the judgments of the Constitutional Court in case 13 / PUUXVI / 2018.</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: Authentication, Ratification, International treaties, Judgments, Constitutional Court</em></strong></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p>Pasal 11 Undang Undang Dasar 1945 memberikan kewenangan kepada Presiden untuk membuat Perjanjian Internasional. Pembuatan dan pengesahan perjanjian internasional melibatkan berbagai lembaga negara dan lembaga pemerintah berikut perangkatnya. Dalam UU No 24 Tahun 2000 tentang Perjanjian Internasional diatur tentang proses pembuatan dan pengesahan perjanjian internasional. Hasil putusan mahkamah konstitusi atas Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2000 tentang Perjanjian Internasional (selanjutnya disebut UU 24/2000) terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (selanjutnya disebut dengan UUD Tahun 1945) dalam Perkara Nomor 13/PUUXVI/2018 memberikan penafsiran tentang makna dari pengesahan, serta memberikan penjelasan perihal pasal 11 (1) dan (2) UUD Tahun 1945 terkait UU 24/2000 dalam empat pasal dan satu penjelasan pasal yang didalilkan pemohon.</p><p>Penjelasan Pasal 1 UU 24/2000 menyebutkan pengesahan adalah perbuatan hukum untuk mengikatkan diri pada suatu Perjanjian Internasional dalam bentuk ratifikasi (<em>ratification</em>), aksesi (<em>accession</em>), penerimaan (<em>acceptance</em>) dan penyetujuan (<em>approval</em>). Naskah ini akan memberikan uraian tentang Pengesahan dan Ratifikasi atas perjanjian internasional serta penafsiran dalam penggunaan pengesahan dan ratifikasi berdasarkan putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam perkara 13/PUUXVI/2018.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci :</strong>   <strong>Pengesahan, Ratifikasi, Perjanjian internasional, Putusan, Mahkamah Konstitusi</strong>.</p>Febri Wiyata Sinaga
Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Law Pro Justitia
<p><em>Simultaneous elections that will be held during the Covid-19 pandemic certainly have their own challenges that might disrupt the election process.</em><em> The purpose of this study is to identify efforts that can be made to realize a dignified regional election during the pandemic and digital era.</em> <em>This research is a normative legal research, according to its purpose this research is a prescriptive analysis. The data used are secondary data in the form of laws and regulations, research results from survey institutions, theories and opinions of experts, the approach is conceptual.</em> <em>The results of the study show that elections in Indonesia are one of the pillars of </em><em>Pancasila </em><em>substantial democracy</em><em>. I</em><em>n terms of legal certainty, social, political and economic aspects, the 2020 </em><em>regional </em><em>elections are urgent to implement despite the tough challenges during the pandemic. The success of the </em><em>regional </em><em>election with dignity</em><em>,</em><em> rests on Indonesian human resources, namely election stakeholders who always maintain the values ​​of Pancasila. Efforts that can be made to make it happen</em><em>:</em><em> All </em><em>of the </em><em>election stakeholders carried out massive digital socialization to the public about the urgency of the 2020 regional elections; The government and the KPU prepare a budget and strict Standard Operatinal Procedure (SOP); KPU and BAWASLU members ensure independence, professionalism, and dignified integrity; Avoiding conflicts of interest, racial, political and local election lawsuits, with a monitoring system through optimization of digital technology; Political party elites nominate competent, high integrity and dignified candidates for regional head; The campaign is carried out digitally, regional head candidates must show Pancasila political ethics contestation.</em></p>Ricky BankeChristina NM TobingChristy Chandra
Hak Cipta (c)